washbasin - определение. Что такое washbasin
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Что (кто) такое washbasin - определение

Wash basin; Sinks; Washbasin; Belfast sink; Automatic sink; Wash-hand basin; Handbasin; Wash-basin; Washbasins; Wash-basins; Wash basins; Granite sink; Marble sink; Composite granite sinks; London sink; Resin washbasin; Wash bowl; Vessel sink
  • red-figure]] bell-[[krater]], 450–425 BC. From [[Boeotia]].
  • Enamel washbowl and [[jug]]
  • A bottom mount sink at the [[Ernest Hemingway House]]
  • A sink/basin in a [[bathroom]]
  • Double sink with a marble countertop
  • Sink in [[Croatian National Theater in Zagreb]], [[Croatia]]
Найдено результатов: 11
also wash basin (washbasins)
A washbasin is a large bowl, usually with taps for hot and cold water, for washing your hands and face. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use sink
= basin, sink
¦ noun a basin, typically fixed to a wall or on a pedestal, used for washing one's hands and face.
n. the bathroom (AE; BE has handbasin, wash-hand basin); kitchen sink
1) (d; intr.) to sink below (to sink below the surface)
2) (d; intr., tr.) to sink into (to sink into oblivion; to sink one's teeth into a good steak)
3) (D; intr.) to sink to (to sink to the bottom)
wash basin         
·vt To conseal and appropriate.
II. Sink ·noun A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes.
III. Sink ·vt To reduce or extinguish by payment; as, to sink the national debt.
IV. Sink ·vt To bring low; to reduce in quantity; to Waste.
V. Sink ·vi Hence, to enter so as to make an abiding impression; to enter completely.
VI. Sink ·vt To keep out of sight; to Suppress; to Ignore.
VII. Sink ·noun A hole or low place in land or rock, where waters sink and are lost;
- called also sink hole.
VIII. Sink ·vt To cause to sink; to put under water; to immerse or submerge in a fluid; as, to sink a ship.
IX. Sink ·vi To enter deeply; to fall or retire beneath or below the surface; to Penetrate.
X. Sink ·vt To make (a depression) by digging, delving, or cutting, ·etc.; as, to sink a pit or a well; to sink a die.
XI. Sink ·vi To decrease in volume, as a river; to Subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height.
XII. Sink ·noun A shallow box or vessel of wood, stone, iron, or other material, connected with a drain, and used for receiving filthy water, ·etc., as in a kitchen.
XIII. Sink ·add. ·noun The lowest part of a natural hollow or closed basin whence the water of one or more streams escapes by evaporation; as, the sink of the Humboldt River.
XIV. Sink ·vt Figuratively: To cause to decline; to Depress; to Degrade; hence, to ruin irretrievably; to destroy, as by drowping; as, to sink one's reputation.
XV. Sink ·vi To fall by, or as by, the force of gravity; to descend lower and lower; to decline gradually; to Subside; as, a stone sinks in water; waves rise and sink; the sun sinks in the west.
XVI. Sink ·vi To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fall slowly, as so the ground, from weakness or from an overburden; to fail in strength; to Decline; to Decay; to Decrease.
(sinks, sinking, sank, sunk)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A sink is a large fixed container in a kitchen, with taps to supply water. It is mainly used for washing dishes.
The sink was full of dirty dishes.
...the kitchen sink.
A sink is the same as a washbasin
or basin
The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks.
If a boat sinks or if someone or something sinks it, it disappears below the surface of a mass of water.
In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship...
The boat was beginning to sink fast...
The lifeboat crashed against the side of the sinking ship.
VERB: V n, V, V-ing
sinking (sinkings)
...the sinking of the Titanic.
If something sinks, it disappears below the surface of a mass of water.
A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float.
? float
If something sinks, it moves slowly downwards.
Far off to the west the sun was sinking...
If something sinks to a lower level or standard, it falls to that level or standard.
Share prices would have sunk-hurting small and big investors...
Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent...
The pound had sunk 10 per cent against the Schilling.
= fall
VERB: V, V to/from/by amount/n, V amount
People use sink school or sink estate to refer to a school or housing estate that is in a very poor area with few resources. (BRIT JOURNALISM)
...unemployed teenagers from sink estates...
If your heart or your spirits sink, you become depressed or lose hope.
My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl...
If something sharp sinks or is sunk into something solid, it goes deeply into it.
I sank my teeth into a peppermint cream...
The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.
VERB: V n into n, V into n
If someone sinks a well, mine, or other large hole, they make a deep hole in the ground, usually by digging or drilling.
...the site where Stephenson sank his first mineshaft...
If you sink money into a business or project, you spend money on it in the hope of making more money.
He has already sunk $25million into the project.
= plough
VERB: V n into n
see also sinking
, sunk
If you say that someone will have to sink or swim, you mean that they will have to succeed through their own efforts, or fail.
The government doesn't want to force inefficient firms to sink or swim too quickly...
to sink without trace: see trace
¦ verb (past sank; past participle sunk)
1. go down below the surface of liquid; become submerged.
(with reference to a ship) go or cause to go to the bottom of the sea.
2. fail and not be seen or heard of again.
cause to fail.
conceal or ignore: they agreed to sink their differences.
3. drop downwards.
lower oneself or drop down gently.
gradually decrease or decline in amount or intensity.
lapse or fall into a particular state or condition.
4. (sink in) (of words or facts) become fully understood.
5. pocket (a ball) in snooker or billiards.
Golf hit the ball into the hole with (a putt or other shot).
6. insert beneath a surface.
(sink something into) cause something sharp to penetrate (a surface).
excavate (a well) or bore (a shaft) vertically downwards.
7. (sink something in/into) put money or energy into.
8. Brit. informal rapidly consume (an alcoholic drink).
a (or that) sinking feeling an unpleasant bodily sensation caused by apprehension or dismay.
sink or swim fail or succeed by one's own efforts.
sinkable adjective
sinkage noun
OE sincan, of Gmc origin.
¦ noun
1. a fixed basin with a water supply and outflow pipe.
2. a pool or marsh in which a river's water disappears by evaporation or percolation.
technical a body or process which absorbs or removes energy or a particular component from a system. The opposite of source.
3. short for sinkhole.
4. [as modifier] Brit. denoting a school or housing estate situated in a socially deprived area.
ME: from sink1.
wash-hand basin         
¦ noun another term for washbasin.
A sink, also known by other names including sinker, washbowl, hand basin, wash basin and simply basin, is a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture for washing hands, dishwashing, and other purposes. Sinks have a tap (faucet) that supply hot and cold water and may include a spray feature to be used for faster rinsing.
I. v. n.
Fall (gradually), subside, descend, go down, go to the bottom.
Fall slowly, drop, droop.
Penetrate, enter.
Be depressed, be overwhelmed.
Decline, decrease, decay, dwindle, lose strength, give way.
II. v. a.
Merge, submerge, submerse, immerse, engulf.
Dig, excavate, scoop out.
Depress, degrade, lower, abase, debase, diminish, lessen, bring down, let down.
Ruin, destroy, waste, overthrow, over whelm, swamp.
Depress, overbear, crush.
Reduce, bring low.
III. n.
Drain, sewer.



A sink is a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture for washing hands, dishwashing, and other purposes. Sinks have a tap (faucet) that supply hot and cold water and may include a spray feature to be used for faster rinsing. They also include a drain to remove used water; this drain may itself include a strainer and/or shut-off device and an overflow-prevention device. Sinks may also have an integrated soap dispenser. Many sinks, especially in kitchens, are installed adjacent to or inside a counter.

When a sink becomes clogged, a person will often resort to using a chemical drain cleaner or a plunger, though most professional plumbers will remove the clog with a drain auger (often called a "plumber's snake").